Friday 6 April 2018





Beloved, Blessed & Respected Religious Educationists, Biblical Scholars, Christian Theologians cum Philosophers & Gospel Ministers @ ZION: Calvary Greetings To U All! 
Alleluia!! Amen. Hosanna In The  Highest!

Welcome To Our Orientation Course In Theological Romance @ ZION Today On The Virus Of Bribery & Corruption. Alleluia!! Amen. Glory, Glory Be To Almighty God In The  Highest! Peace, Peace To Daughters Of ZION @ Clean Manifestation Of Heroic Virtues Of Chastity cum Submission & To Blessed 👬 Men Of Integrity, Confidence & Goodwill! Peace To Us - God's Kingdom Saints @ ZION Of Holy Jerusalem: Our Paradisal Home Of Blessedness, Divine Salvation cum Sanctification, Peace, Bliss & Glory, To His 🏡 Glory, By His Grace! 
Amen. Alleluia!!

No doubt, all kinds of moral issues abound nowadays & to a reasonable extent taught by various denominations of CHRISTENDOM, today. Surely, 🔢 numerous Divine Ministers of various ⛪ Church denominations do well to identify  these moral issues  & teach them  in a well planned  & practical manner that will always enforce proper utilization & application. Yet, hitherto, the simple Gospel has been abused, the principle of righteous living is in our modern 👪 age, less applied than it is taught by the religious teachers. People are claiming to be Children of God but whose names have never been written in the 📖 Book of Life. The so-called Christians from diverse religious denominations are moving about telling lies against fellow Christians & their denominations with the aim to reconvert to their own denominations those who have already been converted. People are, indeed, looking for any available means to make ends meet, no matter whether such means stand against the principle of Christian living or not. Many so-called Christians @ CHRISTENDOM have taken to "Bribery" simply because they feel there is no other means of achieve success or meet up with the challenging financial crunch erroneously bitting them. As far as they are concerned, "nothing goes for nothing".They mean: "You use what you have to get what you don't have". So, whenever one is pushed to the wall, & there is no other way for him to escape danger, anything goes - it doesn't matter! After all, according to them, a python does not grow fat unless it swallows any one altogether. Bribery, therefore, provides a measure route of escape from poverty & paves way to easy bread!

In fact, everything can, in our unfortunate contemporary world, be freely abused; & Bribery now stands as a good measure whereby "sinners" in the Church abuse righteousness, vis-a-vis generosity, brotherly love & general human aid by cheerful giving. Hence, the Burden  of Bribery to the peaceful existence of the ⛪ Church - a real Virus that demands qualified spiritual doctor or therapist to provide the needed essential therapy.

Certainly, there is the sin of Corruption wherever there is Bribery. In fact, Bribery & Corruption work in pari-pasu. The reason is simple enough. First & foremost, a mind set on Bribery is already a corrupted mind. Moreover, he that gives Bribery somewhat loses a sense of Virtue as he is taught  or reminded that, @ least in the modern world, benevolence, charity or free Service are no longer tenable. And, this is Corruption @ it's worst capacity.

Take, for instance, the popular relevant story involving the Elder previously mentioned along with a Church Choirmaster in our former Theological Romance. By his immoral act of collecting some money (Bribery) from the Elder in order to release a female chorister to the immoral Elder for their trip to chalet whilst Singing Practice was going on, the irresponsible, deceitful Choirmaster proves himself a sinner in the Church & a carnal & worldly Church worker of the highest order. It stands to reason, doesn't it, that in a Church that has such kind of Elder & choirmaster as leaders is bound to collapse, spiritually, morally, numerically & otherwise? The answer is simple! O yes! In most cases such Church workers will do worst by encouraging others to practise the same; & moreover go extra miles in covering such sins in the Church. Thus,  they could not afford to stand boldly to correct the young & erring brethren therein, because of the pricks of their conscience.

Nowadays, immoral girls in the name of believing Sisters abound in the ⛪ Church, quite eager to entice the young Pastor to marry them or lure him into immoral dealing with them. Sometimes, they attempt to achieve the goal by indescent 👗 dressing & jezebelic paintings. In case such girls eventually succeed in hooking the same Pastor and dragging him to the altar, the danger is there that they won't cease to pull down the Pastor to the animal plane & eventually ruin his life & ministry. They are merely devil-incarnates, 💏 lovers of money & killers of Servants of God. No wonder the Holy Scriptures urge that Servants of God should beware. All those agents of darkness along with their deceived sinners in the Church constitute the Virus in the Church. We must, therefore, beware!

At this juncture, let's have a good review of "The Effects Of Bribery & Corruption In Dilapidation Of Our Contemporary Moral Standards. Evidently, people do not know that one disease that is more devastating than AIDS. For the fact that the nations, Nigeria for example, have learned to live with it & dwell in ascribing its consequences to other factors, most people do not know or probably under-estimate the potential of Corruption. Corruption causes vast sums of 💰 money to be misallocated by public officials to white elephant properties. Funds which would have been channeled into 🚧 construction of new Schools, 🏥 Hospitals & Institutions that would serve the most interest is in the kick-backs. In fact, Corruption has a vast negative influence, not just on our spiritual & moral well-being, but amply relegates our social well-being, physical, political & economic developments to the background.

Obviously, many people die daily due to the bad condition of our roads. We're these roads not credited all right by Site Engineers? Can you imagine how man people in our modern 👪 society die daily in Hospitals & their homes due to unavailability of drugs or adulterated drugs? Do you know that mass poverty afflcting over a 💯 hundred million people in the Third World have been occasioned misappropriation of funds by only few people?

That is not all. Corruption erodes the potential benefits of free market enterprise. Corruption deters away investors. Nobody wants to invest in an economy where you are not sure of their accountability. Aside from the 😔 sad effects on the micro & macro-economy, Corruption cheapens. Because of Corruption some economies, such as ours in Nigeria, our great society has been labelled as a typical leading Corruption-riden nation. O God save His people! Most African Nations are treated shabbily @ the various entry points of other civilized nations. Some people are almost stripped naked with a view to checking whether they carry drugs or other banned materials.

The political consequences of widespread Corruption, while less quantifiable, are no less real. Corruption contributes to a loss of confidence in the Government, be it political, administrative, social or ecclesiastical & a general non-compliance with laws undermines the legitimacy of elected officers & democratic values, diminishes the effectiveness of public policy & impairs the power of public institutions. Indeed, political fallout from Corruption creates a vicious circle of Corruption, instability, weak institutions & even extra Corruption.

The consequences of our contact with Corruption have been negative, in fact, "disastrous" because it is "emasculating".
We have, unfortunately, lost that self-confidence that generated both initiative & creativity in our land as is evident in the cultural & developmental achievements of our past leaders who lived before the appearance of autocratic political system of modern Government in our erring societies, today.

What really could @ best work to afford meaningful & lasting remedial solution to the unfortunate plight of menacing trends of Corruption in our modern societies? The right answer should @ best be the sacred ♥ great Ministry of the ⛪ Church of God in the contemporary CHRISTENDOM, but there is also a high scale Corruption in the ⛪ Church @ CHRISTENDOM - the horrible Spiritual Virus @ ♋ high cankerworm order.

O God Save His Blessed 👑 Kingdom Brethren @ ZION & The Favoured Associates Of God's 👑 Kingdom In This Corrupt & Evil World! Amen.
Alleluia!! Hosanna! 


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